Tucker Carlson’s Moscow Grocery Shopping Experience: Here’s What He Found | VIDEO

Notably, in the footage, Carlson came up with an estimate for a huge chunk of groceries he purchased using a cart ‘with a special locking system’.

Tucker Carlson’s no-stopping heaping praises on Russia and its leader Vladimir Putin after the record-watched interview with the country’s president. The former Fox News anchor posted another intriguing video from his Moscow trip earlier in February showing him shopping at a local grocery store.

Carlson, who had expected a whopping price bill due to the sanctions Russia faces, was shocked when finally a worker at the Moscow grocery shop handed him the payslip. The American conservative journalist while sharing his entire experience through a video he posted on X, also revealed the price he had to pay for the entire groceries bought for a family of four.

Notably, in the footage, Carlson came up with an estimate for a huge chunk of groceries he purchased using a cart ‘with a special locking system’. Carlson had put an entire range of products from Russia-made breads to meat and also everyday usages like sausages.

“If you take people’s standard of living and you tank it through filth and crime and inflation and they literally can’t buy the groceries they want, at that point maybe it matters less what you say or whether you’re a good person or a bad person,” Carlson spoke at length before revealing the prices. He had to pay roughly $ 103 for his shopping at a grocery store in Moscow as opposed to the $400 bill he might had to pay, basis his own estimate.

Despite Carlson’s claims, over 60 per cent of Russians spend half of their salary on food, according to Russia’s state-owned news agency TASS.

“You’re wrecking people’s lives in their country and that’s what our leaders have done to us. And coming to a Russian grocery store, the heart of evil, and seeing what things cost and how people live, it will radicalize you against our leaders,” he remarked at the ending part of the video expressing his feeling on the rising inflation in the United States.

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