Tucker Carlson Stops At Russia’s ‘McDonalds’ After Grocery Shopping Stint | VIDEO

Carlson seemed health conscious and at one point in the video remarked that he was ’54 so probably shouldn’t be eating that crap.’

Tucker Carlson has been sharing videos of his experiences in Russia during the time he landed in Moscow for an interview with Vladimir Putin. As part of his Russia’s vlog-cum series, the former Fox News host dropped another footage in which he went to a Russia version of ‘McDonalds’. This comes after Carlson posted videos buying groceries from a store in Moscow on Thursday.

In the latest video, Tucker seemed happy with what he bought at Russia’s rebranded ‘McDonalds’. “I must say I feel good in this weather,” remarked Carlson adding that he ordered, “two cheeseburgers, a large coke, large fries, and a chocolate cake,” from the restaurant’s ersatz chain in Moscow.

Notably, the first branches of the revamped Russian McDonald’s were launched in 2022 under a new name Vkusno i Tochka ie “Tasty and That’s It.” The US fast food chain decided to exit the country after facing huge criticism for continuing its Russian business despite the war in Ukraine.

Carlson seemed health conscious and at one point in the video remarked that he was “54 so probably shouldn’t be eating that crap.” However, the American conservative commentator termed the food as, “tasty,” and “that’s it.”

“Here’s what it cost, to Moscow. 647 rubles, so that is exactly $7.00, $7.05 I think,” he remarked while sitting inside his van after purchasing the food.

Following which, Carlson started to taste french fries and said, “Oh that’s excellent. Totally the same. We just walked all the way a block in the snow back to the truck with these things and they’re still good. Okay. Fries are a winner. Now I got recognizable foods like every American.”

He also showed a similar reaction to the cheeseburgers in the video. “My first thought is I should be not eating this shit, but I like it and I think they have those little chopped onions like they do in the United States,” he said after tasting the food.

While finishing his McBreakfast, Carlson went on to describe it as McLunch for the large quantity of the food he ordered. He ended the video by saying it was “McAwesome.”

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