Dzambolat Tedeev spoke about the difficulties at the beginning when he headed the Russian national freestyle wrestling team


The former head coach of the Russian national freestyle wrestling team, Dzambolat Tedeev, in an interview with SVD Podcast, spoke about the difficulties he faced after he first took over the leadership of the Russian national freestyle wrestling team.

“I was 33 years old when I took over the Russian national team. When I took over, it was a complete mess. There was no discipline, there was no order. When we put things in order and established discipline, the results went. But it takes time to achieve a result. We managed to form a team, despite the fact that some outstanding coaches did not help, but on the contrary, tried to prevent me. As a result, we suspended those coaches who hindered our team.”

“Already in the first year we had a triumph: in 2007 we won 4 gold medals in 8 weight categories. Then we won 6 gold and one bronze medals at the World Championships. That was the first time Besik Kudukhov became a world champion.”

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Updated: June 7, 2024, 12:16 p.m.

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